Commentary No. 061
Date: 1527, July 20. Valladolid, Spain.
Theme: In a letter to María de Toledo, vicereine of La Española, the Spanish King (Charles V) mentions a previous information received from the vicereine about an uprising of Blacks and natives.
Source: PARES, Portal de Archivos Españoles—Archivo General de Indias, INDIFERENTE,421,L.12, F.175V-176R-1 - Immagen Núm: 1 / 2
On July 20, 1527, King Charles V wrote to vicereine of La Española María de Toledo acknowledging receipt of a letter from her of November 27, 1526. He also expresses condolences for the passing of Toledo’s husband, viceroy Diego Colón.
Reiterating a content of an earlier letter of his to Toledo of June 8, the monarch also mentions having received news from the vicereine about an “uprising of the Blacks and the Indians” (“levantamiento de los negros y de los indios”) as well as suggestions from Toledo about the most convenient response vis a vis the situation. He also promised to give orders soon as to “what may be most convenient to our service and the good of that island and its pacification and quiet.”